Fixed Price Plumbing Guarantee
Fixed prices don’t just mean an old fashioned quote. Every single job we do is quoted before we take a single tool off our truck.
We give written plumbing quotes and you approve whether or not we do the job.
There are no hidden charges, there are no charges added after the job. We believe customers need to know where they stand about fees before work commences.
Written Plumbing Quotes
When we quote jobs we like to give options. The options may be giving a comparison of a different brand Hot Water systems. It may be an option to clear a blocked drain as well as a long term option to renew the sewer. It may be an option to service a tap or to replace it.
All of our pricing is done through standardized pricing manuals, so you can rest assured that prices were never made up. There is no different pricing schedule for various postcodes either. Everyone has the same pricing, with the exception of our Service Agreement customers who enjoy significant discounts.
We have a motto of leaving the customer with as much information and quotes for various issues as possible. Even if you don’t necessarily do the jobs on the spot, at least you know what’s involved and the price, if you do it later. This happens a lot for us, people will call us to go ahead with a quote we gave months earlier.
Our Plumbing Guarantee in summary
- If your job is not fixed the first time, we will return and fix it for free.
- We guarantee that we have the most friendly and courteous plumbers in Sydney.
- We guarantee to arrive on time.
- We guarantee to give you the best plumbing service experience you have ever experienced.
- We guarantee you will refer us to your family and friends once you have dealt with us.
- The Bum Crack Guarantee! If you see any hint of Plumber’s crack during the course of one of our jobs – we will do the job for free!
- We guarantee the area we worked in will be cleaner than before we started.